Child Development Milestones
Here are the Key Milestones in Communication, Social, Cognitive, and Physical Development from 6 to 24 Months.
6 Months Old
Communication & Social Development
Making eye contact
Responds to name
Familiar with people who spend most time with child
Various kinds of vocalizations
Cognitive & Physical Development
Looking and attending to people and objects
Rolling over
Sitting up with little to no support
Passing objects from one hand to the other
12 Months Old
Communication & Social Development
Making eye contact
Responds to name
Familiar with people who spend most time with child
Various kinds of vocalizations
Cognitive & Physical Development
Following simple, one-step directions. (Ex. “Come here.”)
Standing without any assistance
Taking first steps
Joint attention and interacting with objects with you
18 Months Old
Communication & Social Development
Pointing to objects of interest
Using and knows several words
Exhibiting social skills such as hugging and other displays of affection
Cognitive & Physical Development
Walks independently
Uses pencil, crayon, or other writing utensils to scribble
Engages in pretend play
24 Months Old
Communication & Social Development
Begins to echo words or mimic actions of others
Can say 2-4 words sentences
Can name body parts
Plays with other children
Cognitive & Physical Development
Follow 2-step directions
Display motor skills such as kicking a ball
Can draw a straight line
Fill in the blanks in simple sing-along songs